Mad Max Dawg Digital Stamp #4054

This is Mad Max, who came to stay for a day and a night! Once met never forgotten!
 This fabulous creation was made by Suzy from -Ikes World!

Mad Max Dawg. #4054 .99p

Pipa Pirate With her Parrot #4053

 I drew Peter Pirate some weeks ago and a few of you wanted a girl Pirate, so here is Pipa Pirate with her Parrot! Hope you like her. (a couple of you wanted a parrot too... it's on it's way!!) 
 Haven't found any creations using this digi yet, will yours be the first!?

Pipa Pirate with her Parrot  #4053  99p

Hairy Dog, Digital Stamp #4052

I'm drawing dogs for my Daughter, in her style or near enough! (My feet are different... the dogs feet that is,not mine!). Hope you like them! Some of them will show up here. This is 'Hairy' Dog!
Hairy Dog #4052 .99p

Happy House (without the sun) #4051

Pam asked, 'Have you got Happy sun house in a field without the sun and the field Lyn?' and I said,
"Yes! Here it is!"
Happy House (without the sun or the field) #4051

Meadow Signpost Scene #4050

Here's a scene that takes me back to my childhood, of farm fields and foot path signs leading to places to explore!
Meadow Signpost Scene #4050 .99p

Melting Ice Cream #4049

Melting Ice-cream! Must be all this hot weather! What's your favourite flavour?
Melting Ice-cream #4049 .99p

A Spyder Always A Freebie.

    This 'Always Freebie' is over on Spyder's Corner too, I may've added it before, can't remember, anyway, I thought I...